Welcome to ClubRunner's BlogSpot

Welcome to ClubRunner's BlogSpot - the place to stay on the pulse of hot off the press news updates about product developments, service announcements, local events and so much more!

Also, you can initiate discussions and share information among fellow ClubRunner users.

Your feedback is always welcome and necessary to help us make ClubRunner better. We want to know what you like, what you don't and what's on your wish list. Please let us know how we can enhance our service.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

ClubRunner Holiday Schedule

Season's Greetings from the ClubRunner family to yours! Here's wishing you the best for a joyous holiday season!

Please note that ClubRunner's hours of operation during the holiday season are as follows:

  • Wednesday, December 24, 2014 - 9:00am - 12:30pm EST
  • Thursday, December 25, 2014 - Closed
  • Friday, December 26, 2014 - Closed
  • Monday, December 29, 2014 - 9:00am - 5:00pm EST
  • Tuesday, December 30, 2014 - 9:00am - 5:00pm EST
  • Wednesday, December 31, 2014 - 9:00am - 12:30pm EST
  • Thursday, January 1, 2015 - Closed
We will resume regular office hours on Friday, January 2, 2013. For assistance, please continue to use our help resources to access FAQ's, on-demand tutorials and help guides:

Friday, December 12, 2014

Tips of the Week

Did you know you can now 'soft delete' Site Pages to recover them later?

We've added a new tab to the Site Page Library, where you are able to access and edit deleted site pages. Previously, deleted site pages were removed and lost entirely. 

This new “soft delete” function allows you to restore old pages as needed. Clubs can also use this as an archival tool, holding on to older pages without cluttering up their active libraries. Deleted pages are removed from the website, while remaining accessible to site administrators under the "Deleted" tab as needed. Furthermore, you can go into the Deleted tab to 'restore' the Site Pages and add them back to your website. 

Did you know that event chairs can now add registrations even if the form created in MyEventRunner has been disabled?

That's right! Site Administrators and Event Chairs can add registrants for an event, even if the signup form has been disabled. This permits you to add late registrants or special guests after the signup window for the members has expired. To add a registrant, simply navigate to the event form on MyEventRunner and use the "Add Registration" link to add these attendees.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Tips for the Week!

Since we released the Volunteers module last month, we received lots of great feedback and feature requests to make this feature even more powerful! From smaller changes such as updating the format of the task invitation emails to make them more mobile friendly to larger requests such as the ability to add a Volunteer chair, we've made a lot of updates to this feature.

Did you know that you can add the Volunteer Task Group Name to your emails with use of a mail-merge tag?

You asked for it, and we delivered! We've added a new mail merge field for volunteer tasks, which automatically populates your emails with the group name, so that you can manage your communications more effectively! There no longer is a need to duplicate the same message for each group!

Did you know you have the ability to set a Volunteer Chair?

Previously, only event chairs, site administrators and executives could edit the volunteer tasks associated with the events. We've now added a new role titled Volunteer Chair, which can be assigned to members with any standard access level. The Volunteer Chair will be able to edit the details of any given volunteer task group and can also optionally be copied on all confirmation and cancellation emails.

Visit our Service Updates page to read more about the updates we made to this module as well as others!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Email Statistics: FAQs

We`ve received a lot of great questions regarding the latest announcement about email statistics and limits and wanted to take this opportunity to share our answers with everyone. From understanding email credits to more information on how to access your email traffic reports, we have it all here:

1. Do you count all the recipients of one email in the email limits?

Yes, all recipients of emails are counted in the email statistics limit. This means that if you send one email to 50 recipients, you have used 50 credits from your annual limit. Note that the monthly limit you see is for suggestion purposes and monthly credits that are unused carry over to the next month until the end of your yearly subscription term.

2. Are bulletins included in this limit?

Yes, all emails sent from the system are included within this limit, whether they be email invitations, bulletins or regular emails sent from the message center.

 3. Where can I view my email traffic report and my email statistics?

To find out how to view the email traffic report, click here.
To find out how to view email statistics, click here.

4. What happens if we go over our annual limit?

Prior to setting these limits, we thoroughly analyzed the send patterns of our entire customer base and applied a generous buffer on top of the number of emails sent so that 95% of customers will never go above their annual limit. If we find you are going to go over that limit, we will send you a courtesy email to notify you and will work with you on applying best practices for email sending.

5. Why the change in your email delivery service? Can we opt out of this upgrade?

This is not upgrade for our customers but an upgrade to our email service. Prior to implementing this service, we relied on several different distributors whereby the reliability of email delivery was decreasing due to customers sending emails to invalid email addresses, spam traps and more. As a result, this upgrade was necessary to ensure a higher level of stability, reliability and security. This was applied to the system as a whole and not to individual club or district accounts and as such cannot be opted out of on an individual account basis.

 6. I logged in and followed the instructions to view my Email Traffic Report but do not see this. Why?

It’s possible you’re still on Version 2 of the ClubRunner platform. Email statistic and traffic reports are only available on Version 3.0. We encourage you to switch to Version 3 at your earliest convenience. Please refer to this help article to learn more.

Alternatively, you might not have the correct access levels to view these reports, as these reports are only accessible by members with an access level of 40 or better.

7. When does this take effect?

The new limit was activated on November 24, 2014. However, clubs and districts will be given 90 days from the time of our notice to become compliant. We will regularly be in touch with those clubs and districts that are going above and beyond their annual limit.

8. How does this affect my privacy? Are you sharing my email address with third parties?

Please be assured that we continue to abide by our privacy policy where we state that we will never sell or share your information including email addresses. This change only affects the transmittal of an email after it is already processed and dispatched by our servers, which is the same process we had before. We are serious about protecting your personal information and will continue to ensure it is not divulged or distributed to third parties.

Have more questions? Send them in and we'll be happy to answer them!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Introducing Email Statistics!

You asked for it, and we delivered! We're excited to introduce email statistics reports, which will allow you to better track email and bulletin deliverability, view which emails have been read and by whom, trace emails and bulletins that have bounced or been blocked and view which emails/bulletins have been marked as spam.

To view email statistics for your club, navigate to the Email Message Center from the Admin page and then click on the Email Traffic Report link on the top menu bar. You'll immediately be able to view your email usage to date with a breakdown showing you how many emails you have this sent this year, within the past 30 days and what your club's monthly average is like. To learn more about email usage, please click here.

Click on the details link under the Actions column to view the types of emails (ie: Bulletin, Event Registration emails, Volunteer Registration emails, etc) that have been sent, the subject line, who the sender is, the date it was sent on, and even select a date range to customize your email traffic report. Click on the emails sent number to dive deeper and view how many emails were successfully delivered, how many were opened and by whom, which have bounced, and more!

There is a whole lot more we're working on to make your ClubRunner experience even better, stay tuned! Have more suggestions you would like to add to our feature wishlist? Email us at feedback@clubrunner.ca.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Tip of the Week: Adding Slideshows to your website

We've been getting lots of emails from clubs sharing how they've made their club sites even more dynamic using Version 3.0! There's nothing that makes us happier than seeing how our customers have customized their websites and added different elements to make it unique, without ever needing to know any technical language.

While some like to add custom graphics and stories about the club, others like to add videos and photo albums to share the latest happenings at the club. Did you know that you can embed PowerPoint presentations on your homepage as well?

Similar to how you add videos to your website, you can embed Slideshows using the Custom Content Widget. Follow the instructions on this help article to add a PowerPoint presentation to your website.

Be sure to comment below with the link to your site to share how you've customized your ClubRunner site too!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Best Practices for Club Websites

Website Themes 

Did you know that you only have 5 seconds to capture the attention of your website visitor, before they leave? What's worse is that once they leave your website, the chances of re-engaging are very low. There's a lot you can do to make sure your website comes out on top. We get a lot of emails from clubs asking for tips on how to improve their websites and overall website experience, which is why we thought we'd share some best practices:


Be Visual

Capture the attention of your visitors with imagery, photos of your club activities, your members, projects, etc. After all, actions speak louder than words and showcasing your club from a visual standpoint not only promotes your club more effectively but also helps visitors get a better sense of what you’re all about, without having to skim through text! The built-in photo albums in ClubRunner are a great way to showcase your activities, and with our web editor, you can easily drop in images alongside your text anywhere.


Content is King - Update it often!

Content is King & Currency is Queen! The real factor that drives a website towards becoming popular and successful is freshly updated content throughout the site. If visitors are presented with outdated information, they have no reason to stay on your site to learn more, let alone return. Potential members may feel that your club is really not that active, even if that is far from the truth. Of course updating content on a regular basis is difficult if you have to rely on a webmaster. With no technical expertise required, updating your website on ClubRunner is hassle free!


Make it easy to navigate

Your website is the hub of information and the first place visitors come to learn more about your club. If they can't navigate from one page to another or find the information they are looking for easily, they'll associate their negative experience with your club and this impacts your bottom line of recruiting and retaining members. When creating website themes and templates, we always think about the user experience first, which is why all of our layouts, menu options and website templates allow you to build professional and beautiful websites that are easy to navigate through.


Go Mobile

Did you know that 17.4% of global web traffic comes through mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets?  The majority of people are online on their mobile devices and not optimizing your website for such devices means you aren't reaching your potential members. Today, mobile optimization for websites is not a 'nice to have', it is a demand that must be met and this is why all ClubRunner websites are optimized for whichever device a visitor may use. If you're using Version 3.0, you can control the mobile settings of your website. 


Be easy to find

The "if you build it, they will come" mantra might have worked before but it no longer applies! To attract visitors, your website must rank high in search engines. Not only does ClubRunner automatically generate meaningful permalinks for each page on your website, but you can also define your meta tags to generate even more organic traffic. We dominate all major search engines, so having a ClubRunner hosted website means your club will always rank high and be visible in all search results

Share your best practices with us! What does your club do to keep your website current and exciting? Need some inspiration for your website? VIsit our Live Sites page to see how other clubs have designed their sites. Want a completely new and unique theme? Connect with a ClubRunner Coach to give your website a fresh new look!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Meeting Responsibilities (Duty Roster 3.0) Now Available!

We're pleased to present the all-new Duty Roster 3.0, also known as the Meeting Responsibilities feature!

Available only in Version 3.0, with this upgraded feature, you have the ability to create and manage multiple tasks in an organized list for members to complete during meetings. Create groups and positions, and easily assign members to each task. In addition to all the original features that were part of the Duty Roster 2.0, this new version can also be added to your club website, bulletin or custom page as a widget!

To get started, navigate to the Meeting Responsibilities page and click on add new position. From here, you'll be able to associate your positions with groups, assign duties to members and more.

To learn more about this new feature, refer to our help guide.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Introducing ClubRunner's Volunteers Module 3.0!

Volunteer TasksWe're pleased to announce the release of our all-new Volunteers 3.0 Module! Based on the feedback we've received over the years from our Champions and Early Access Participants, we were able to further customize this new module to cater to virtually any scenario where you need to coordinate people in various commitments organized by time,day, task or group.

Volunteer Signups
The Volunteers module is available in two versions: Basic and Enhanced. We've already included all the essential features needed by clubs into the Basic version, and additional features were added to the Enhanced version. Click here to learn more.  

Available through the main menu on the Admin page, to navigate to the Volunteers module, click on the Events tab and then on the Volunteers link. Note that to access the Volunteers module, you must be on the Version 3.0 platform. Not on Version 3.0 yet? Click here to learn how to switch.

Refer to our knowledgebase for help articles and FAQ's to get started with using this module. 

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Tip of the Week!

Studies have shown that customizing and personalizing your emails, even slightly, can increase your open and response rates, which is why the use of mail merge tags within your emails is so beneficial.

To help you personalize your custom emails to your members, we've included quite a few mail merge tags that you can include in your messages. These tags allow you to include dynamic content such as first name, club name, spouse name, nick name, etc.

Did you know you can insert these tags in your subject line to increase open rates as well? Apart from adding them to the body of your email, you can even paste these values in your subject line to appeal to your recipients. Sending an invite to your next club event? Add their first name to the subject line for a more personal invitation! For more information on how to insert mail merge tags to your emails, refer to our help article.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Tip of the Week: Sponsor Ads

Did you know that you can control the pages you want your sponsor ads to display?

The Sponsorship module allows clubs to place text or image sponsor ads on their own website as a means of generating revenue. Clubs have always had the ability to display these ads on the homepage, bulletin and on all subsequent secondary pages. As our way of providing you with more custom options, you now have more control over which secondary pages you want these ads to display on, including the photo album list, speakers list, speakers details page, event details page and more.

To view the complete list and choose which pages to display the ads on, click on the Sponsor Settings link from the Sponsors page. If the option for subsquent pages is turned off, the content on those pages will expand across what would have been the reserved right column meant for those ads.

We're constantly making improvements to the ClubRunner platform and would love to hear your feedback and suggestions on what you'd like to see. Email us at feedback@clubrunner.ca with your suggestions!

Friday, August 29, 2014

Tips for the Week!

Did you know you can control the appearance of your website on mobile devices?

Based on your feedback, we have added more control around the appearance of your website on
mobile devices. You now have the option to enable/disable the one column view of your website on smart phones. The one column layout takes all the elements of your website and then presents it in one column taking the width of your phone screen into account. If you disable this option, then the website layout will match that of your site when viewed on a desktop or iPad.

To access this feature, navigate to the Website Designer 3.0 link and then to the Settings tab. Click on "Edit Mobile Settings" and select your choice.

Did you know you can display member spouse birthdays on club bulletins?

You now have the ability to further customize the Birthdays and Anniversaries widget by being able display the birthdays of the spouses of members as well. To turn this option on, simply click on the cog wheel on the widget to navigate to the Properties page, from where you can select the "Show Spouse Birthdays" option.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Tips for the Week - MyEventRunner Edition!

Did you know you can create vouchers using the new templates found in MyEventRunner?

We've added a new template for name tags to the "Prepare Name Tags" section in MyEventRunnner! This new template allows event chairs to create vouchers for meals, tickets, etc. for registered attendees. Vouchers can be created  and color coded based on payment status, packages and add-ons created under the same event and then can be exported into Word to print and distribute.

Did you know that you can issue online refunds for events created within MyEventRunner?

As part of our recent software update, you now have the ability to issue an online refund for the original payment transaction that occurred for an event created with MyEventRunner. Depending on the payment processor, online refunds are applied right away. You will see a 'Refund' link appear next to the transaction on the Payment History screen. You simply follow the instructions as they appear on the screen, and you're done!

Did you know you can personalize your invitation emails using mail merge tags?

Similar to the mail merge fields found in the Email Message Center, event chairs emailing registrants through MyEventRunner can use mail merge tags to populate information in their emails such as name, recipient spouse name, club name, sender name, account name, etc.

These are just some of the enhancements we've made to the MyEventRunner module, but there are still lots more on the way. To learn more about his feature, visit www.MyEventRunner.com.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Email Communications 3.0!

A few months ago, we introduced our new and improved Email Message Center module on Version 3.0. At that time, we announced that we will be retiring the Email Message Center 2.0 on July 24, 2014. Post this date, when you navigate to the Email Message Center 2.0 and click on "Compose New Message" you will be taken to Version 3.0. You will still have access to your emails and drafts in Version 2.0 and can migrate them to the new platform.

Not only is the Email Message Center 3.0 faster but it also allows you to have more control over your emails. Upon logging in, you will notice a new link on the Admin Page titled "Email Message Center (New)" under the My ClubRunner section. You can transfer over your emails from the old Version 2.0 system to this by clicking on the "Migrate Emails" button. This will automatically transfer all the emails and drafts that were created in the past 3 months.

Create and send customized message templates easily, attach larger files (limit increased to 6MB), continue to manage your distribution lists, add images to your emails from directly from your desktop or image library and even style your text using the options available. With the new AutoSave feature, your emails will be saved every 90 seconds, so you'll never have to worry about losing your drafts.

For any questions on this new module, please do not hesitate to contact our support team.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

It's a brand new Rotary year!

New Rotary ThemeIt's a new Rotary year and we wanted to take this opportunity to congratulate everyone in their brand new roles. Whether you've been elected to become the club President, Secretary, Treasurer, Webmaster, PR Chair, Membership Chair, or are just a regular member, we want to do everything in our control to enable your success this year as well as ensure your satisfaction with us, so that you can focus on helping 'light up Rotary'.

Over the past little while, we've made a lot of exciting updates to make the jobs of your members easier, no matter what their role in the club may be. From releasing our newest Rotary branded website and bulletin template, which was released in conjunction with Rotary's digital guidelines to our integration with Quickbooks; from releasing Email Communications Version 3.0 to more customization options for the Club Bulletin, there is a whole lot for everyone. You can stay on top of the latest updates and new feature releases by following our service updates, which occur bi-weekly on Thursday mornings. Subscribe to the service updates RSS feed and get the latest news delivered directly to your inbox.

Support at your fingertips

If at any time, you need more information on how to use a certain feature or have general questions about ClubRunner, we invite you to visit our Support Center at www.ClubRunnerSupport.com. Here you will find links to our:
As always, please continue to send us your feedback, feature requests and suggestion by emailing us at feedback@clubrunner.ca. We look forward to serving your club this brand new Rotary year!                                     

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Run your non-profit as a business, not a hobby

Recently, our very own team member, Divya published an article on LinkedIn about the struggles non-profits know all too well, when it comes to growth. At ClubRunner, working with non-profit groups, we've seen this firsthand ourselves.

An excerpt from the article:

Despite the wide range of what non-profits do, they all have a striking similarity in their struggle to grow and prosper. The root cause is the misguided mindset that they are "non-profit" rather than "for-profit". These labels only apply to the financials, but should not affect the way they operate or present themselves. I've seen first hand evidence of even the smallest groups achieve big goals simply by changing their toolkit!

The biggest obstacles preventing non-profits from growing and reaching their goals are neither budget nor a lack of manpower; rather it is their mindset and way of thinking. I found that the executives were unable to look past limitations and road blocks. Moreover, many of them simply saw themselves as volunteers and part-timers and believed that success was merely a matter of more time and resources. As a result, they were resigned to achieving small incremental changes. While this is understandable, I started thinking if we could make more of an impact by adopting strategic business elements. The more I thought about it, the more I was convinced that we simply needed to embrace the mantra, ‘think like a business’. Non-profits play an integral role in community service projects but it isn’t just a matter of organizing a few fundraisers.

Read the rest of the article here and share your thoughts with us! We'd love to hear your opinion!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Tips of the Week!

Did you know that you can add custom fields to your club reports?

Clubs can now include custom fields that they've created for member profiles in reports they build with the eDirectory builder! An additional source type called 'Custom Fields' has been added to the "Column Designer" screen. Upon navigating to the Column Designer, from where you can add more data sources to appear in your report, you can select, custom fields as a choice and then select which field you want added to the report.

Did you know you can now format custom page titles to customize their style, look and feel?

To give you more control over formatting, we've made it simpler to format Custom Page titles. Similar to the option available for Stories, you will now see a "Format Options" link next to the title field. Clicking on it will open a new editor window from where you will be able to easily bold, italicize, underline, change the font, colour and size of your title.

These are just some of the new features we've recently added! Have suggestions you'd like to share with us? Send them to us at feedback@clubrunner.ca

Friday, May 23, 2014

Tips of the Week!

New Rotary Theme Bulletin Now Available!

We're proud to release an official Rotary branded bulletin theme, which coincides with the look and feel of the Rotary website theme! This new theme mirrors the look and feel of the new Rotary brand, including colours and fonts. Clubs and Districts can implement this new look for their bulletins and can easily adopt the new brand and share a cohesive look with Rotary.org.

Did you know you can customize the titles of your Custom Pages?

That is correct! To give you more control over formatting, we've made it simpler to format Custom Page titles. Similar to the option available for Stories, you will now see a 'Format Options' link next to the title field. Clicking on it will open a new editor window from where you will be able to easily bold, italicize, underline, change the font, colour and size of your title.

Enhanced Committee module users, did you know you can now schedule your emails to go out at a later date from within the module?

We've added an email scheduling option within the Email Center in the Enhanced Committees module! Similar to how you can schedule your emails to be sent at a later date and time from the Email Message Center, members of the committee can schedule their emails to go out at any time they prefer.

For more information on the Enhanced Committees module, please click here.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Top 10 ClubRunner Themes!

With the launch of Version 3.0, we introduced many new website themes to choose from to make your website reflect your clubs' unique style. Over the past few months, we've added even more new and modern designs for you to choose from including our latest Rotary theme, and there are still lots more on the way!

We've had lots of requests to share the top 10 ClubRunner themes in use - so here they are! In no particular order, the following are the most popular themes used by clubs and districts!

Elegant Theme
Cube Theme
International Theme
Ribbon Theme
Antique Theme
Shiny Theme

Gradient Theme
Retro Theme
Curvy Clouds Theme

Simple Gradient Theme

To view other website themes, simply navigate to the Themes tab in the Website Designer. Do you have a unique that you use for your club website? A design that you created that you would like to add to our Theme Library? Email us to learn more about how you can contribute to our theme library!


Want your website to match Rotary's new look? Take a look at our new Rotary theme, which was designed to mirror the look and feel of the new Rotary brand and match the new digital guidelines found in the recently released Rotary Quick Start Guide. To learn more about the new digital guidelines and view the Quick Start Guide, click here. To view our official announcement, click here!

Monday, May 5, 2014

New Rotary-Based Website & Bulletin Template!

Last week, Rotary International announced the release of their new Quick Start Guide for Club Websites, which is a guide advising clubs of how they can organize their websites with the new digital guidelines in mind that clubs can refer to when designing their websites,.

We're pleased to announce the release of our new Rotary themed website and bulletin template that was made in conjunction with the release of the Quick Start Guide! As an Official Rotary International Licensee, we were involved with the Public Relations and Identity team at Rotary to build a new website theme that mirrors the look and feel of the new Rotary brand; including default content and site map, as well as incorporating shared images in the ClubRunner image library. As a result of these efforts, clubs using ClubRunner can more easily adopt the new brand and share a cohesive look with Rotary.org.

How to switch to the new theme:

Clubs using Version 3.0 can find the new theme by navigating to the Website Designer and then clicking on themes. The new Rotary theme will be the very first option there for you to select. Simply select the theme and view the changes in the preview pane. Once satisfied with the look of your website, click on publish to have your changes go live.

Once you've switched over, be sure to share the link of your website with us! To view the bulletin theme, navigate to the Bulletin Designer 3.0 and click on the Themes button.

To view our official announcement regarding this, click here.

To learn more about Rotary's new digital guidelines and view the Quick Start Guide for Club Websites, click here.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Tips for the Week!

Did you know that the Birthdays and Anniversaries widget can also display birthday information for spouses?

As part of our latest software update, we've added the option to display birthday information for spouses as well. Great for adding to your bulletin! This option can be selected by clicking on the cog wheel on the widget to go to the settings page, from where you can simply check the "Show Spouse Birthdays" option.

Did you know that you have the ability to mark a subpage as the default landing page when website visitors click on the Site Page link?

A Site Page allows you to create a number of subpages and related pages as well as allow you to add photo albums, links and files to the pages. Subpages contain important information related to the topic that a Site Page was created for.

As you add more subpages or delete them, you can quickly and easily change your default landing page. To make a subpage the default, click on the subpage from the menu on the left side. When you are in the Edit Site Page screen, you will notice a link on the top titled "Make as Default Subpage", which you can click on to proceed.

Did you know that you can select which photo albums you want displayed on your Photo Albums List page? 
A popular request, you now can choose which specific albums you want to display on the Photo Albums List page, which is accessible from your menu navigation bar. The Photo Albums list page is the built-in page that you can easily add to your menu bar. To add albums to the list page, simply navigate to the Edit Photo Albums link from your Admin page and select the Photo Albums List page filter. From here, click on the "Add Photo Album from Library" button and select whichever albums you want displayed!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Tip of the Week!

Did you know that you now can display your sponsor ads on more pages of your website?

A very popular feature, the Sponsorship module allows clubs to place sponsor ads on their own website as a means of generating revenue for the club. These ads can be text or image ads and clubs can set their own prices and schedule to run these ads. Up until today, clubs had the ability to display their sponsor ads on the home page, all subsequent website pages and the bulletin. As our way of providing you with more custom options, you now have even more control over where to display these ads and can choose from a variety of subsequent secondary pages including the photo album list, speakers list, speakers details page, event details page and more. To view the complete list and choose which pages to display the ads on, simply click on the Sponsor Settings from the Sponsors page.

It's easy to get started! Simply set your price and upload your ads! Even view how well your ads are performing by referring to the built-in hit counter which displays the number of clicks each ad has received.

Click here to refer to our help article on how to upload your sponsor ads.

We're constantly making changes to ClubRunner based on the feedback we receive from you and there's still a lot on the way! If you have a suggestion or feature request you'd like to share with us, email us at feedback@clubrunner.ca.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Tips for the Week!

Clubs using ClubRunner 3.0, did you know that you can now change the color, font, font size as well as add style elements to your story titles?

To give users more control over formatting, we've made it simpler to format story titles. Whereas earlier, any customization required the editor of the story to use HTML tags to apply style elements to the title, you will now see a 'Format Options' link next to the title field. Clicking on it will open a new editor window from where you will be able to easily bold, italicize, underline, change the font, color and size of your title.

Did you know you can add mail merge tags to your emails to populate the emails you send from MyEventRunner?

That's right! You are now able to further customize your emails and add mail merge tags specific to the recipient, sender and account when emailing registrants from MyEventRunner. You can choose from several mail merge tags including recipient name, recipient spouse name, club name, sender name, account name, and more.

These are just some of the updates we've introduced but there is still a lot on the way! We're constantly making changes to the ClubRunner service. Please continue to share your feedback and feature requests by emailing us at feedback@clubrunner.ca.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Tip of the Week!

Did you know that you can create custom forms using Google Docs for your website?

Apart from the built-in contact forms, there are definitely times your club needs to collect certain information and using a form would be the best method. Customers using Version 3.0 can create and add custom forms to their website with a just few easy steps!

Simply create your form in Google and once completed, copy and paste the source code in a custom widget in ClubRunner. All the responses are saved in your Google account and can be downloaded to Excel at any time. For instructions, please refer to our help article.

Version 3.0 offers a lot of customization options so you can design your website to meet the unique needs of your club. Has your club switched to Version 3.0 yet?

Friday, March 28, 2014

Tips for the Week!

Did you know that you can choose to hide the club motto from appearing on the Club Information Widget?

Clubs on Version 3 can customize their welcome widget even further and now choose whether to hide or display their motto. By default, the setting is set to always display the club motto. To hide it, click on the cog wheel on the widget to go to the properties screen. Under the 'Content Properties' section, you will see a checkbox next to "Show Club Motto". Simply uncheck it to hide it from appearing on the home page.

Did you know that you can customize the padding properties for all standard widgets in Version 3.0?

Due to popular demand, we've added the option to be able to customize the padding properties for all widgets. Top, bottom, left and right padding properties can be defined independently from the Properties screen of each widget, meaning you can control the spacing around each widget, without having to alter any code! Please note, this option is only available for all standard widgets and does not apply to custom widgets.

These are just a few of the changes we've made but there's still a lot more on the way! Have a suggestion you'd like to share with us? Email us at feedback@clubrunner.ca!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Tips for the Week!

Did you know that you can delete both active and inactive events from the Events listing in MyEventRunner?

You asked for it! We're happy to introduce the ability to delete both active and inactive events from your MyEventRunner Events Listing. Under the Actions column, you will see a 'delete' button which will allow you to remove the events you no longer want on your Events listing.

Did you know that you can archive your bulletin directly from the send screen?

A new option on this screen, you now have the ability to archive your bulletin immediately after sending it. To do this, simply select the Archive checkbox under the "Send Your Bulletin" section. Even if you have scheduled your bulletin to be sent at a later date, if this option is selected, your bulletin will be archived immediately.

Did you know that you can cancel incorrect transactions made from within the Dues and Billing module?
We know club treasurers will appreciate this! For cases where the wrong invoice is generated for members, you can cancel the transaction instead of entering a credit or debit transaction to adjust the outstanding balance. To do this, from the Dues and Billing page, click on the 'Cancel Transaction' link on the left column under the Statement section. From here, you will be able to select the member you wish to cancel the transaction for, view their statement, select the transaction date and define the amount that is being voided. All changes will directly be displayed on the member's account statement.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Tips for the Week!

Did you know you that when creating new stories, you have the option to copy an existing story?
Customers using Version 3.0 will now see a new option on the top right of the "Create New Story" page entitled "Copy from an Existing Story". With this option, you have the ability to copy and edit your existing stories and save them as a new story. The copied version will include the story title, brief and content and if the display options such as the author, date or social media button settings were specified, they too will be brought forward to your new story. You can then go in and make changes, add design elements, and have the option to display the story on either your homepage or bulletin.

Did you know you can customize the Club Information Widget with custom links?

That's right! A popular request, we've added the ability to add custom links within the Club Information (Club Meeting Information) widget. Within the widget's property screen, you will see two new fields under the "Content Properties" section: "Custom Link URL" and "Custom link Text". Here you can add a link to any external website or your site/custom pages. The text you input in the Custom link Text field will display on the widget. This option is great for clubs to link to a site page with directions to the club meeting location, or the club's facebook or twitter page, etc.