All through 2014, change and growth have been the watchwords at ClubRunner. With the support of clubs and districts on six continents, we were busy refining and improving our software and services to meet your feature requests and needs. Thanks to you, ClubRunner is gearing up for another year to be able to take you to the next level of success.
Connecting with Clubs
One of the greatest pleasures we experience is when we get the opportunity to connect in person with the people we are here to serve. In 2014, we had the privilege of travelling to Rotary Clubs in two different hemispheres! Starting with the International Assembly in January, we continued our journey by attending 12 President-Elect Training Seminars between February and March. In June, we went down under for the 105th Rotary International Convention in Sydney, Australia where we met with hundreds of club members and executives from around the world. At home in Canada, we attended 2 Zone Institutes, one in Toronto, Ontario and the other in Victoria, British Columbia and even had the opportunity to welcome several visiting Rotarians to our own office for training and best practice sessions!
We're looking forward to a similar slate of activities in 2015 and cannot wait to meet you once again!
Working with Rotary
As a sign of Rotary International's support for ClubRunner, we were proud to announce the release of a Rotary-themed and approved website and bulletin template. ClubRunner is the first vendor to offer templates and themes with official Rotary approval. In fact, the new template was created in close co-ordination with Rotary International, who ensured it met their new branding standards and digital guidelines. Furthermore, it allows clubs to easily share the look and navigability of
Emails Enhanced

You asked for it, and we delivered! In order to meet the demands for improved email statistic reports and traffic, we made the switch to a new email service provider. Our new delivery provider handles the email requirements of 180,000 sites including high profile websites such as Pinterest and Foursquare. This new partnership means we can now offer the highest level of digital reliability and security for our clubs. For more information on this upgrade, please click here.
ClubRunner on the Go
When ClubRunner started in 2003, most people were using cell phones with LCD screens and the mobile web was still in its infancy. Fast forward 10 years, in 2013 the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) reported that more than 2.3 billion people around the world were accessing the Internet via a mobile connection, as opposed to 711 million with a wired connection. The ITU predicts that by the end of 2015, the number of people accessing the net through a mobile device will top three billion.
We recognized this fundamental shift in the way people access the web and we worked to accommodate that into our service, which is why we made ClubRunner 3.0 fully compatible with mobile browsers, allowing you to manage your club's web presence from your cell phone or tablet. If you can connect to the Internet, you can connect to ClubRunner!
Keeping the Books
Earlier in 2014, we integrated ClubRunner with Quickbooks, the most popular small business accounting software in the world. Clubs can now export their financial records to Quickbooks, allowing treasurers to save time when it comes to consolidating records and data entry.
Knowledgebase Refined
As part of our quest to bring you the best support, ClubRunner recently began the process of restructing and rewriting our knowledgebase. The knowledgebase is a library of online documentation that has grown in response to the needs of our customers. In the past five years, it has grown enormously as we uploaded new documentation, help resources, FAQ's and recorded training videos and webinars.
The new knowledgebase structure has a more intuitive navigation and much less "depth". You can find answers to your questions with fewer clicks and in less time. And, we are conducting a full review of all content available, editing or re-writing every article for more clarity and better accuracy. Visit to view our new knowledgebase, access on-demand help videos and more.
Here's to what was a great 2014! This New Year, we have even more resolve and commitment to continue improving ClubRunner for you.