On June 22, hundreds of Rotarians participated in ClubRunner’s launch party to celebrate the entrance of a new era! With the Launch of Website Designer 2.0, many current and prospective users viewed the demonstration of how they could make their club and district sites truly distinct and unique and display all the wonderful activities going on in their community!

Many entered the raffle draw to win an iPod® Touch, but it was awarded to one lucky ClubRunner user –
Suzanne Johnson from the
Rotary Club of Middle Island. Immediate Past District Governor John Gill of District 6040 helped us to pick the winners and fellowship with all Rotarians who were there! Other items won include free one year subscriptions to ClubRunner and will be announced within a few weeks to all who visited the ClubRunner booth.

During this party we also celebrated our Champions, who were and continue to be instrumental in our success. As a special thank you, there was an exclusive raffle draw for them as well and the winner for her own personalized iPod® Touch was
Ginny Sharples of the
Rotary Club of Scottsdale North!Topping off the festivities, everyone shared ideas and experiences while enjoying cake, truly making this event a memorable experience for all!
Stay tuned to see our complete photo documentary of this powerful week in ClubRunner and RI history - vive le Montreal!