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Friday, November 2, 2012

RI Integration - Compare & Synchronize! UPDATED

We've been a little quiet on the blog recently but that's only because we've been working on some great new features and functionalities to make your club administration tasks easier.

Our latest software release boasts even more improvement to the RI Integration functionality. In fact, we're very excited to release our new "Compare & Synchronize" feature.

Currently in beta, this new feature will allow you to compare your member data information as it appears on ClubRunner with what is available in Rotary Internationals' Member Access, giving you the option to push your member information directly from ClubRunner to Rotary International or pull your information from Member Access to populate your ClubRunner profile.

Therefore, if you notice a member's profile was inconsistent between ClubRunner and RI, you can simply push or pull the specific field data between ClubRunner and RI. This will allow you to clean up any data that was inconsistent before integration was enabled.

You can access it from the top menu bar under the RI Integration tab. Please note that you need to have an access level of 50 or better to access this report. Here, you will see a list of all your members. Simply click on the member's name to view a more detailed comparison of that member's contact details. You will then be directed to a chart that will display that member's information as it appears on both ClubRunner and RI. For any discrepancies, you'll have the ability to copy over either the ClubRunner value or the RI value by checking off the box for the corresponding field and then clicking on the arrow to reflect the direction of the copy. If the arrow is pointing to the right, that indicates you are pushing the data from ClubRunner to RI. Alternatively, if the arrow is pointing to the left, that indicates you are pulling the data from RI to the member's ClubRunner profile. Once you have selected all the values to sync, simply click on the Synchronize button. The system will then update the information in less than 24 hours.
The Compare & Synchronize report also displays a list of active members in ClubRunner who do not appear on the RI membership list. To add them to RI, simply click on the "Add member to RI" link.

Conversely, it also shows a list of active members that are listed on the RI database but do not appear on your ClubRunner list. To add them to ClubRunner, simply click on the "Add Member to ClubRunner" link.

We're proud to be the first to provide you with this feature and to be leading the way with the integration with Rotary International.

For more information on using this feature, kindly refer to our knowledgebase article, by clicking here.

We'd love to hear your feedback regarding this new feature. Let us know your thoughts by emailing us at feedback@clubrunner.ca


  1. We have a member that insists that she be called Shelly but her name is Rochelle in the RI database. So in our directory we put (Shelly) after Rochelle. I know there is NickName, that is not what this is about. This is about her receiving her Bulletin and what it says right under the masthead. So how is this going to work?

  2. Hi Richard!

    We've forwarded your question to our support team who will be following up with you via email soon.

  3. When comparing CR membership files with the files at RI, the CR listing does not recognize Honorary Members as members. E.g. in the case of the Port Hope club, the CR report stated that seven of their Honorary Members were “missing from the RI Database” when, in fact, they were not (as verified by a phone call to RI). Any thoughts on this?

  4. Hi Mary Lou!

    We've forwarded your question to our support team who will be following up with you via email shortly.

  5. Hello Everyone!

    Just to update you all on this feature - at the moment, Rotary International does not support data comparison and syncing for honorary members due to certain restrictions on their end. As a result, the RI Compare & Synchronize tool only supports comparing and synchronizing data for active members. For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by visiting www.clubrunnersupport.com
