Club Officer Information
We're extremely proud to announce that ClubRunner customers that have activated this feature can now sync their Club Officer information to RI's databases in realtime. Currently, only available through ClubRunner, clubs can now define their club officers for 2012-2013 and the information will be reflected on RI's database in minutes! For instructions on updating your club executive and officer information please click here.
Club Meeting Information
Now available, clubs can sync their club meeting information to RI's database in real time as well. Updates made to the club's meeting place as well as the meeting date and time will be reflected on RI's databases in minutes. For more information, please click here.
We're proud to be leading the way in providing our customers with this revolutionary feature! Learn how this database integration feature will automate member and club officer updates between your ClubRunner database and RI's Member Access Portal, while maintaining full control and privacy to Rotary Clubs and Districts by attending our live webinar on January 27 at 4pm EST.