Advertising on ClubRunner most definitely has its benefits. With the launch of ClubRunner 2.0, we’ve increased the ways available to advertise on club sites. Ads can be text or graphic ads, and can appear wherever you choose on your home page and on the right hand side of all your subsequent website pages. You have the freedom to choose to show each ad on the homepage as well as the eBulletin – for maximum flexibility. Not to worry, uploading sponsor ads is as easy as uploading photos to your website. Uploading as little as 4 sponsor ads in a year can equate to your website administration fees, which means, you can get your ClubRunner subscription for free!*
To get started, your Site Administrators needs to login to your website, and click on Website Sponsorship Area. This will allow you to create the ads for your website. You can also prepare an information page which shows visitors how to submit an ad and what your pricing is. This will appear on all pages under the Sponsorship area, linked to the Interested in being a Website Sponsor link. With ClubRunner, the opportunities are endless!
*Suggested cost only. Rates are determined by each individual club and not enforced by ClubRunner
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