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Friday, August 28, 2009

Week 10: Tip of the Week

#10: Did you know that you can create up to 30 custom fields within your member profile?

Looking to capture unique information for your club that is not already set in the regular member profile template? If you have site administrator access, you are able to create custom fields to capture dates, flags (yes or no) and characters (for regular text) to allow for a more detailed club directory. Once these fields have been added, all members will have access to update their member profile.


  1. How do you save a bulletin as a PDF ?

  2. Once you have created your bulletin, save it as a web page (.htm file), then drag the file into your PDF writer. If you do not have one already installed, you can save it using PrimoPDF (a free tool) which you can download from www.primopdf.com.
