Club Info Page
View your meeting day, time and venue complete with a Google map for directions through the new Club Info page right from your phone. Even get quick access to contact your club President, Area Governor and District Governor.
Through My Attendance, keeping track of your attendance statistics and banked makeups is a breeze. Easily view which meetings you attended, missed, and made up and get a quick glance at your attendance percentage for the year. Further, you can also switch to the Makeups tab and view a list of all your banked makeups.
ClubRunner's mobile app also features the following modules:
Member Directory
Browse your member profiles, make a call to any of their phone numbers, email them directly from your device, or even add them to your contacts list.
Executives and Directors
View and contact your club executives and directors from current, past and future years. You can browse their profiles and connect with one click.
View Posts on Your Website
View the latest feed of home page stories that are on your website, directly on your phone, so you never miss any information!
Upcoming events and speakers
Access all of your upcoming events and calendar items, and view event details, including associated links, download files and venue map. View who the latest speakers are and learn more about their presentation topic.Download it today!
To download the app from the Apple App Store or from Google Play, simply type in 'ClubRunner' in the search bar. Our mobile app is compatible with all versions of the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch sets that have iOS 8.0 or later and with versions of Anrdoid that are 4.0.3 or better.
Don't see the My Attendance menu item? This is likely because you have no attendance records or because your club has not yet recorded any attendance statistics using the Attendance module in ClubRunner this year. Click here to learn how to begin using Attendance 3.0.
There's a whole lot more on the way! Stay tuned as we take member engagement to the next level with ClubRunner mobile.