Welcome to ClubRunner's BlogSpot

Welcome to ClubRunner's BlogSpot - the place to stay on the pulse of hot off the press news updates about product developments, service announcements, local events and so much more!

Also, you can initiate discussions and share information among fellow ClubRunner users.

Your feedback is always welcome and necessary to help us make ClubRunner better. We want to know what you like, what you don't and what's on your wish list. Please let us know how we can enhance our service.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Meet ClubRunner at 2009 Zone Institutes

ClubRunner will be at a Zone Institute in a city near you this Fall:

Final Zones 31-32 forum & Institute
- September 8-10 in Niagara Falls, ON

Rotary Roundup 2009: Zones 30 & 31 Institute
- September 10-13 in Tulsa, OK

Rotary Institute 2009 (Zones 25/26)
- September 28 - October 4 in Oklahoma City, OK

Urban Zone Institute (Zones 28-29)
- October 6 - 10 in Minneapolis, MN

Hope to see you there!

Week 6: Tip of the Week

#6: Integrate an online payment option on your site. Collect donations, member dues or other types of funds at a click of a button! If you already have an account with PayPal, you can easily add this widget to your site. If you don’t already have one, setting one up is free and easy. Below are the instructions so you can set this up:

  1. Once logged into your PayPal account, to create a button on PayPal, click on the Merchant Tools tab, and then click on “Buy Now Buttons” under the Key Features section. You will be prompted for the information you wish to collect.

  2. Once this is completed, copy the HTML code that is produced

  3. To insert this button into ClubRunner, paste the copied code into a homepage story, event details page, or site page using the plain text editor or HTML mode.

  4. Once you save this page, the button will appear on the page alongside your text and you’re ready to accept online payments.

For more detailed help on using PayPal, click here.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

New Feature Release: Committees Module

In this new and improved module, manage all club and district committee listings in one place! With this new feature, once logged into your club's site, you are able to view a listing all yearly and standing committees and all associated members, complete with their designations and contact information. The enhanced committees module allows you to upload relevant documents to share and send targeted emails to committee members.

For more information about this new offering, visit ClubRunner's official website.

New Feature Release: Tabbed Member Profile

A new look and feel to your member information layout is now available! Complete with 5 tabs to organize and separate your data. With this feature update, you will be able to:
  • Choose a preferred address, email and preferred nickname to be displayed in the member directory
  • Monitor when changes were last made
  • View attendance reports
  • View member designations and committees
  • See list of club events and add them to your personal online calendar
  • Set and monitor a secured password to access your club’s site

To learn more about this new release, visit ClubRunner's official website

New Password Strength Criteria

To improve security, we have implemented a new password strength criteria to encourage members to use stronger passwords to access your club and district web sites.

WeakestLess than 6 characters (not allowed)
WeakAt least 6 characters
MediumAt least 6 characters, at least 1 number
StrongAt least 6 characters, at least 1 number, mix upper and lowercase
StrongestAt least 6 characters, at least 1 number, mix upper and lowercase, at least 1 special character

- The system will not allow you to save a password of “Weakest” strength.
- Although a password strength of “Weak” is currently allowed, we strongly recommend a password strength of “Medium” or more.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Week 5: Tip of the Week

Tip #5: You Can Get ClubRunner for Free*

How you may ask? You can have your subscription paid for by online sponsors! On the right hand side of your site, there’s an opportunity for you to have various sponsors links posted. The choice is yours as to how much you charge based quantity, duration of posting and size. To view sample advertisements, visit the official ClubRunner site (link to live site pages).

*Subsidize your annual ClubRunner subscription fee by charging a fee for advertising and sponsorships on your club or district site.

Internet Explorer 8 Notification

Since the release of Internet Explorer 8, we have received reports of incompatibility with this browser and ClubRunner’s XP Editor. In order to temporarily rectify this problem while we are working on full compatibility of the XP Editor with Internet Explorer 8, please activate "Compatibility Mode" on your browser. This mode can be activated either by clicking on the icon located beside your address bar (looks like a broken page) or from your tools menu, click on "Compatibility View".

Friday, July 10, 2009

New Product Offering: MyEventRunner

Plan, Create, Promote and Report on your events electronically using MyEventRunner, the lastest product addition to the ClubRunner family!

In this do-it-yourself online registration form designer, you are able to easily customize and configure various events hosted by your district by easily clicking through a three step process!

Use pre-design templates or build your own form that will include all imporatant details to help you organize your event and communicate it to all potential attendees.

You can create unlimited event package offerings, including add-ons of items such as CDs and t-shirts, as well as creating a questionnaire to capture information about conference participants ad how to best cater to their needs.

Ask today how you can learn more about this product and start managing your events with ease online!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Week 4: Tip of the Week

Tip #4: It's a new Rotary year and you're able to switch over your executive listing with a simple click of a button.

On both the club and district sites, in order to update all leadership information, Site Administrators can find the command to transfer all the next year's executives and directors and organizational chart at the top of the Admin page. This will allow all new club and district leadership to gain access to otherwise restricted areas to update information and begin reporting.
If your district has already initiated this transfer, you will no longer see this command on your club site as it will have already been transitioned.

We've Been Published!

Look for us in this month’s issue of the Rotarian and Rotary Canada as we have a full page spread! If you aren’t quite familiar with ClubRunner, while you browse through the magazine, check us out and let us know what you think. We’re always looking for feedback and want to know how we can best serve you!

ClubRunner at RI 2009 Convention

With over 15,000 Rotarians in attendance, the Rotary International 2009 Convention was a great success for us.

Our booth was always busy and we had the chance to meet with some of our existing customers and potential ones from various countries around the world.

It was a pleasure to meet, greet and talk to many of you and listen to all of your feedback about ClubRunner. Thanks for the memories and the experience in Birmingham that can’t possibly be duplicated. Hope to see you in Montreal next year!